Personal Injuries from Truck Accidents

Phillips, Cymerman & Trager, S.C. represents clients who have suffered personal injuries in truck accidents and all types of motor vehicle accidents. This includes injuries caused by hit-and-run drivers, drunk drivers, and uninsured or underinsured drivers, as well as accidents caused by tractor-trailer collisions and rollovers. In a truck-versus-car accident, the car often sustains much more damage than the truck, which can lead to serious injuries.

Over the years, we have handled thousands of auto and truck accident cases, and while there are many similarities, they are all very different. This is because an accident affects each person in their own unique way. Injuries suffered in any of these accidents can be life-altering.

We understand that your immediate goal is to get your medical bills paid, that you want to make sure that you do not suffer financially, and that the insurance company will be made to pay for any future treatment you may require.

Serving Milwaukee for Over Nine Decades

Our firm represents clients in personal injuries and wrongful death claims arising out of all types of motor vehicle accidents. This practice has been in existence since 1928, probably longer than most. We are not going anywhere. We will be here for you and help you recover fully from those responsible for causing your loss.

If you or someone in your family has been involved in a truck accident or any other type of motor vehicle accident, note that statutes of limitation exist and may vary from case to case. We know the law and what it takes to maximize the value of your case. 

Please call us at (414) 271-4262. We can then review the details of your situation and determine the best course of action. There is no fee for this consultation and no obligation of any kind. All our attorneys adhere to the highest level of integrity.

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