Compensation for Your Loved One’s Malnutrition and Dehydration Health Issues in Nursing Homes

Nursing home residents sometimes lose their appetite due to illness or certain medications, or sometimes they are simply picky eaters. However, it is the nursing home’s responsibility to ensure that all residents receive proper nutrition and hydration to maintain a healthy body weight. Each resident should be evaluated by a nutritionist and have a meal plan in place.

Sometimes appetite problems become so severe that the resident must be tube-fed. This should not happen unless it is absolutely unavoidable due to the resident’s health condition.

Specializing in Nursing Home Injuries

If your family member has been malnourished, dehydrated, or has lost an unusual amount of weight at a nursing home, please note that statutes of limitation do exist and vary from case to case. At Phillips, Cymerman & Trager, S.C., we know the law and what it takes to maximize the value of your case.

Please call us at (414) 271-4262, and we can then review the details of your situation and determine the best course of action. There is no fee for this consultation and no obligation of any kind. We pride ourselves on being an example of quality customer service in our community.

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