Representation for On-the-Job Injuries

Over the years, Phillips, Cymerman & Trager, S.C. has represented thousands of injured workers. Claims that are arbitrarily denied cause catastrophe for a worker and their family. The workers' compensation benefits may have been cut off, but the bills, rent or mortgage, and car payments do not stop.

Insurance companies will look for any excuse to deny benefits. They will try to get you to see their own doctor, but the doctors that give these exams are hired by the insurance company to tell them what they want to hear. Their reports are usually the complete opposite of your own doctor’s opinion, and the insurance company will use that report to deny your benefits.

If you have a permanent injury or a serious back injury, it is likely that the workers' compensation insurance company will try to cut off your benefits.

Fighting for the Rights of Injured Workers

If your benefits were cut off, you were sent to one of these "independent" medical exams, or you are under intense and unreasonable scrutiny by the insurance company or your employer, you need a lawyer experienced in fighting for your rights as an injured employee.

Free Consultation for Your Workers’ Comp Case

We know the law as well as what it takes to maximize the value of your case and get your benefits reinstated. Please call us at (414) 271-4262. We can then review the details of your situation and determine the best course of action. There is no fee for this consultation and no obligation of any kind.

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